Thursday 29 September 2011


Here we are at the end of the month of syawal. also the end of september, which is part of the year 2011's final quarter. our convocation looms, bringing along a frenzy of questions and last minute payments & preparations. sigh..

what about work? not really enjoying it. what is my purpose of even being there? i wonder. i don't wanna be accused of hopping jobs, but under the circumstances...

crappy decisions everywhere..

Friday 16 September 2011


You say you care, but you want to be out of their lives. how is that even possible?
why do you keep pushing people you care about away? just because you have bad history with it doesn't mean you have to avoid it from happening again every single time, cuz that's just BS.
or is it because they - or rather, I - don't really matter that much to you? is it that i just happened to be conveniently there for you? now i'm not there, you can just discard me like a torn t-shirt?

it's just plain selfish. and i never thought you to be as one. you disappoint me.

Monday 5 September 2011

Weekend after Raya

Start the day with a cup of coffee, as usual.

At noon, went out to reload my TnG, then picked up my school besties to go beraya.

Ate some delicious laksa johor. This year x balik JB, ingatkan kempunan. rupanya ada orang nak buatkan. nice.

Melencong to Subang for some much needed hanging out, window shopping and dinner.

Sent them besties back home again.

Got home, Ibu buatkan nescafe, and tarik-ed by moi. double nice.

Sembang with cousins outside, and went to play a round of snooker (them, not me).

A looong and fun half-day. thanks.

p/s: Esok kerja... T_T