Tuesday 5 July 2011

this Weekend

We are not like other countries out there who practically thrive on demonstrations and rallies. When are you people gonna get it? These types of demonstrations (and at such a time) usually has two possible endings: Someone gets hurt or worse, killed, and the demonstration turns into a violent riot. Second, you people are ordered to go away, you resist and the demonstration turns into a violent riot. Nothing good ever comes out of these things. Come on lah. We've been living peacefully (sort of) without these public show of violence. Look at other places where these thing happen, and tell me this, did anyone get physically hurt or killed? The answer is "yes", almost always "yes". We don't even need to look very far. Countries around us suffer badly whenever rallies like these are held, and in the end both the government AND the demonstrators end up being the losing party, plus a black paint mark upon our international face.

"Bersih is supposed to mean "clean", but ironically (or rather, hypocritically), the rally is quite the opposite. Hopefully, the decision to let them continue was wise. If not...

Best to stay at home and avoid any unwanted incidents. Peace.

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