Sunday 31 July 2011

What else to do when you can't eat

Got my new Stephen King novel yesterday. Yay. Got a 1000-page companion to keep me company when food and my human friends can't. ;)

No food, meaning can't eat. This is because Ramadhan, the month of fasting, is approaching in approximately either 1 hour or 25 hours, depending on the announcement tonight. Sigh.. Can't believe it's been a whole year already. Preparation is still nil. Total overhaul is required, stat.

Happy fasting to all my Muslim friends. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih bermakna dan membawa 1001 keberkatan, InsyaAllah.

Friday 29 July 2011

Book Frenzy

Finished Sparks' novel "The Last Song" last night. Sad story. Nearly shed a tear for Ronnie. Nearly. Now reading "The Lucky One", also from Sparks. So far so good, reached the part where the ex-marine gets a job at a dog center.

And waiting for the book I ordered to arrive. Actually it already arrived this morning, but since I was still asleep when the delivery van came, I'm gonna have to go to the main post office to collect my package. "Under The Dome" by Stephen King. Got it here.

I'll be signing off now. Need to find out what happened to the marine and his friend after the explosion. Toodles.

p/s: Off to see some friends tomorrow. How I wish you could be there too. miss you

Saturday 23 July 2011

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson

The story picks up where the previous book left off.Blomkvist arrested, Salander in the hospital and charged with multiple murders, Berger torn between her loyalties to Millenium and seduction of a better job at a bigger company.Throughout the book, we will get to see and learn more about the conspiracies behind Salander's childhood and the events leading to her (spoiler alert!) eventual release and acquittal.

Another book that I couldn't stop reading. The way the author writes the story makes you want to turn the next page. I kept saying "OK, this is the last page before I put it down", only to be found guilty still reading it an hour later.
It would be better if you peeps guy them as a set. Cheaper, and cuz you'd be hopping with anxiety to find out what happens in the next book! :)

Thursday 21 July 2011

Today, Tomorrow and So On

missing you and you and you.. 

and especially you..

Vid taken from Youtube, "Suara (Ku Berharap)" by Hijau Daun

Saturday 16 July 2011

The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg larsson

The book begins around a year after the events in Book 1. The main female character, Lisbeth Salander has been globetrotting using the money she obtained from last time. Mikael Blomkvist is looking forward to a new exposé along together with two of his friends; a journalist and his girlfriend, a doctorate student. When a horrible event occurs, Blomkvist is determined to solve it.

Another book that I just couldn't put down. I kept turning the pages to find out what happened next. :)

Damn Technical Issues

Have you noticed that when you need something urgently, at that time it chooses to be unavailable or broken down? sheesh..

Just got back from HP7 part 2. Battle scenes were awesome.

Will update on the second book from Stieg Larsson's trilogy which i finished yesterday morning around 3am, right now I've got a splitting headache. Need to wake up early tomorrow, going to KLCC. OK, relatively early compared to usual :p

Monday 11 July 2011

Night Ramblings

It's been 3 months. 3 months gone since I first saw your smile light up the room.

Damn, I can't believe it's been that long. How time flies when you want it to slow down, and how it creeps on at a snail-like pace when you want it to go faster...

I'm happy where we are now. Believe me, I am. :D
But it doesn't mean that I don't think about the past and future, the what should and what ifs..

Its a cold night here. Drizzling. Might even pour heavier later tonight. Makes me miss you more.

Wanna have some ice cream soon. brrr...

Sunday 10 July 2011

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

If asked to describe this book in one word, I would undoubtedly say "Addictive!".

Got the whole Millennium trilogy at MPH Bookstores a couple of days ago. I was apprehensive at first when I learned that the book was written by a Swedish author. I didn't even know the country had any good writers, and the only Swedish thing I know is IKEA and their scrumptious meatballs. yummy. Which reminds me, I'm hungry.. ughh

Anyway, it turned out my fears were unfounded. The story wasn't just good, it was practically un-putdownable, if you get what I mean. I couldn't stop reading, the plot was so intriguing every step of the way. Last night I stayed up to 4am before I realised the time and had to force myself to stop.

In a nutshell, the story is initially about the efforts of an investigative journalist to try and expose a crooked mafia financier. But along the way the plot turns elsewhere, where the main character is hired to write an autobiography of a retired industrialist and also to investigate a 40 year old mystery. With the help of an intelligent but socially-challenged woman, he uncovers a family history like no other, involving sexual abuse, deceit, estranged family ties and murder.

Can't wait to start on the second book, "The Girl Who Played With Fire". Need to remind myself to go slower this time around. ;)

Friday 8 July 2011


Salahkah hati ini jika ia mahu terasa jealous atau dengki?

Mengapa semua my beloved kerja di sana. Sedihnya jiwa ini..

Sabar jelah wahai hati.. tu je mampu.

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

Oh yeah, I forgot to update. Finished "Sherlock Holmes" a couple of days ago, took a while because the stories started to get dull and a sense of repetitiveness at the end. And today finished Nicholas Sparks' "Safe Haven" while waiting for the car to get serviced. Yeah, managed to read the whole thing (okay, actually 3 fifths, since I had started reading it the day before) while waiting for a car to undergo the usual maintenance. Is it just me or does his books tend to involve rain and storms and falling in love during the storm? LOL. Anyways, "Safe Haven" is a bit different than his usual stories, where it has a nice mix of romance but not too much, and a small dose of action and suspense, just enough to make it exciting without losing focus of the story and relationship of the main characters. A great read.

Thursday 7 July 2011

New books. Yay!

After several weeks of waiting impatiently, I was finally able to buy the late Stieg Larsson's Millennium-series, a trilogy of detective novels that were published after his death. I have heard mixed reviews regarding the series, so I couldn't wait to pick one up to find out for myself. In the end I grabbed all three :)
So, I'll begin with "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" sometime tonight after I manage to get away from the internet.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Money makes the world go round, not gravity

Finally, the thing I have been waiting for has arrived. Without it, I have been a slave under the mindless control of monotony and loneliness. With it's return I can now free myself from this cage. Freedom! But as I fly out of the prison bars, I look left and right, and realize this: what's freedom without company? Sigh.. Tak ada gang la pulak. Sumer keje weekdays. Crap. Sape nak teman aku shopping? I need a new set of clothes. Sape nak teman beli buku? I need several new ones to occupy this unemployed phase. I even already have a few titles in mind... hmmm...

Tuesday 5 July 2011

this Weekend

We are not like other countries out there who practically thrive on demonstrations and rallies. When are you people gonna get it? These types of demonstrations (and at such a time) usually has two possible endings: Someone gets hurt or worse, killed, and the demonstration turns into a violent riot. Second, you people are ordered to go away, you resist and the demonstration turns into a violent riot. Nothing good ever comes out of these things. Come on lah. We've been living peacefully (sort of) without these public show of violence. Look at other places where these thing happen, and tell me this, did anyone get physically hurt or killed? The answer is "yes", almost always "yes". We don't even need to look very far. Countries around us suffer badly whenever rallies like these are held, and in the end both the government AND the demonstrators end up being the losing party, plus a black paint mark upon our international face.

"Bersih is supposed to mean "clean", but ironically (or rather, hypocritically), the rally is quite the opposite. Hopefully, the decision to let them continue was wise. If not...

Best to stay at home and avoid any unwanted incidents. Peace.