Monday 30 May 2011

Of Shared House and the Past

Sent my lil' sis back to her university today with the whole family. Upon arrival, we saw the parents of her house mates hanging outside of the house, getting ready to leave. It was almost as if they were waiting for us.

 After the usual chitchat and goodbyes, we took my sister's stuff inside and begin arranging them. mak aih, banyaknye barang! after we were finished, we stood outside and chatted with the landlord. my brother asked me whether my stuff banyak macam ni jugak ke when i first moved into my previous rented house.. which brought me to reminiscing about the 3years i spent there with my friends.

Was it really 3 years ago? damn.. so many things have happened and changed in those 3 years. friends made and lost.. friendships tested; some survived some not.. girlfriends came and went for a couple of us.. subjects taken; some passed some failed.. the whirlwind of it all finally dying out late last month.. amidst the rubble, casualties of this war for knowledge can be seen far and wide.. every time i think of what has happened over these past 4 years of being friends, with 3 of those years of us living together, I feel that pang of sadness and of loss. Yes we survived this leg of the race we call "Life", but at what cost? with bloodied faces and scars all over.

I know you peeps won't be reading this, but I have to say it. Thanks for the friendship, memories, trials and jubilations, sadness and happiness, love and hate, and the entire student life the 6 of us shared.

To my roomie, thanks for being a friend, for all the help with my assignments and studies for these 4 years, and also thanks for all the eye-candy you managed to detect for us to feast our eyes on. take good care of your gurl, I look forward to seeing the both of you happily married soon, Insyallah. AHK

To my northern best friend, thanks for being a friend to share laughs and troubles with, thanks for being a good listener and sponge, I hope you aren't sick of all the times I went to you for support, and I hope you'll still be there to hear me out. Good luck with your thesis, get it done, and good luck with your own messy relationship. MHM

To my house-mate from across the hallway, thank you for allowing me to ride with you on your bike to class every single day for the past 3 years. Sometimes I feel like I'm not paying enough for the fuel, but you brush it aside. thank you for all the lessons you helped me to understand, especially the horrible mathematical problems that I just couldn't comprehend. and also thanks for all your witty and sarcastic remarks and your "pedas" statements which helped me to keep my feet on the ground. I wish you the best with her, may you both have a happy beginning. MFM

To the other two, i don't know what exactly to say. Thanks for being friends as friends should be, thanks for showing me that life isn't just black and white or just male and female or just right and wrong; there are always the shades of gray, or homo and trans that lay between the two extremes. and thank you for showing me the uglier side of humans and friendship that i have only seen happen in movies or to other people. i am sorry if i ever did anything to you guys - whether on purpose or not, and whether i realised it or not - to warrant this kind of treatment. But i also realise if that's how you guys feel, aku x rugi apa-apa, I don't need people like you anyway.

After finishing all the arrangements, we left my sis with her new housemates. We got stuck in a traffic jam. Changed drivers 3 quarters of the way. Got back home just after 9pm. All in all, it was an uneventful day..

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