Friday 17 June 2011

Allah Be Praised

Opened my results. My eyes ignored all the A B C details and skipped ahead to the final grade point... "Alhamdulillah" was the first word that came to mind, and "Ya Allah, nasib baik" was the phrase that came out of my mouth. As of 1.00am on this blessed Friday morning, I am done. After the short prayer I offered, I went over the details and was disappointed to discover a taint on the otherwise satisfying result. Sigh.. I can't say it wasn't expected, but still, to see it with my own two eyes was just hard.

Now that it's over, time for the second phase of this short human life: Work. Job. Career. Oh tidak... Even the thought of it is enough to make me wanna throw a pillow over my head and just close my eyes. But, being the firstborn, duty is duty, responsibility must be shouldered. With my sis still studying for her diploma and my bro about to finish school, I can't afford to be lying around, like some people i know yang x cari keje pun. hehe. naseb bek korang dua dah start jadi RA, kalo x mmg ak label korang sbg pemalas. haha.

Anyway, I'll be ending tonight's entry now. Need to update a few details before turning in for the night. toodles~

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