Wednesday 15 June 2011

Freedom of Information? my freakin' a*s

Today at noon I was downloading a new series, Game of Thrones, following the recommendation of a good friend of mine. So, I downloaded all available episodes, up to the 9th episode. Tonight, I go to the same website to get something else, and all I got was an "Oops..!" announcement from my internet browser.. 

WTF!!! Man, I was pissed. Hell, I still am. Why, in the name of the Gods of  P2P, did you freaking people block it?! What would be the use of introducing a high-speed internet connection to us citizens and then remove the MAIN reason we upgraded to the high-speed connection? Bloody freakin' idiots. For what?

Dear Mr. Filmmaker, 1: "Unauthorized use of copyrighted work" is not destroying the industry because there IS no film industry whatsoever to destroy. Most of your movies ALREADY suck, so what is there to destroy? Sorry, but in any given year, the number of good movies can be counted on the fingers of one hand, at best two. So don't complain. You guys suck... And 2: Err, hello? Most of us out here don't even download for profit, but just for personal use. Why not go and take down people that do? I still see porn being sold in the streets, I still see shops selling obviously pirated CD's at legitimate shoplots. What about them? Why not block websites that share journals too, since those research were done by hardworking people, consuming a lot of time to study. Why not block websites that share pictures and photographs too, since those photographs were taken and edited by hardworking people. Why not block websites that share installer software too since those softwares were developed painstakingly by people. Next thing you know, online newspapers will be blocked, and then blogs, followed by social networking websites. Why not just block the whole damn Internet while you're at it? And oh, don't stop there! Block the media too, television and radio cuz they are a source of sex and violence. And then block newspapers and magazines, cuz that's how people learn about gossip and immoral stories. And if you were wondering, all that was sarcasm... I repeat: bloody freakin' a-holes.

Let's give an everyday example, say a knife. It can be used to cut up meat and veggies in the kitchen, or for survival in the wild, or cutting pieces of rope or wire at the local hardware store, or to stab and kill people. But you don't ban the selling of the freaking knife just because some people decide to use it for bad purposes, do you? Is it the knife's fault it killed a person?

Basically, you can't ban everything in the world, you can't censor or ban everything from being viewed by the public.. you can't control the Internet, it's a free place. And by doing what you just did, you have just made yourselves VERY unpopular among the younger generation, which make up more than half of Internet users in this country (Nielsen, Apr 2011). And according to history, youths are a force to be reckoned with..

Just a piece to vent my frustration. There are many other ways to circumvent the ban, but still... sheesh.


  1. you should have started blogging eons ago man
    haha marah ye?

    p/s: your job is looking for you too! don't you worry :)

  2. kellyyyy! long time no see. yes marah, me wantz my free downloads again..
    eons ago? nah, i never had a thing for this kind of stuff. stories and such? i loved it, but blogging? just wasn't interested. until now, since i have mostly nothing to do at home XD
    when you coming back?
    p/s: thanks, hope so too!
