Wednesday 8 June 2011

Off To Work?

Got my first call for an interview, finally. Alhamdulillah.. Today was just the initial briefing and a technical test. although we had no idea what the test was trying to prove. The first part was okay, simple and straightforward, unless there was a hidden agenda there.. they gave us a couple of technical drawings like at school and told us to draw in the missing views. you know, the plan view, elevation view etc.. so it was okay. the SECOND part however is a different story..

Imagine a photograph of an oil rig out at sea. the question: "If you were to make a vertical cut of the ocean beside the oil rig, what would you see? draw it in the blank space below". There was also a second photograph, this time an oil refinery plant on land, with the same "vertical cut" question.
Say what? I don't have x-ray vision, how am i supposed to know what's under there.. So, i just drew what i could imagine. it was ridiculous after it was finished, but hey, they wanted a drawing, i'll give them a drawing..

Hope all goes well for my first interview tomorrow!

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