Thursday 16 June 2011

When Boredom Sets In

Thursday. Exactly a week since the interview. Been officially unemployed for a month now. Boy, sitting at home sure is boring. Today, I've been glued to the home PC, watching the last few episodes of Smallville, including them much anticipated series finale. Yes, series finale, not season. After 10 ghoulishly long seasons, it's finally over. Mixed feelings about the ending episodes. Disappointed to see the final allegedly-epic battle last only a few seconds (again, as in the Doomsday episode). And quite a number of loose ends too.

Anyway, when i checked the mailbox around 5pm (yes, i didn't venture out of the house the entire day. Sue me), I found a curious pamphlet. Upon further inspection, I saw that it wasn't a pamphlet but a newspaper. What surprised me was that it was from a political party and addressed to me. My first thought after seeing from where it came from was "Hey, I don't remember subscribing to any newspaper from any party. Why the hell are you people sending this to me?". Anyway, I brought it in and flipped through the pages. Yada yada yada... Government did this, didn't do that.. blahblahblah.. The people this, the people that.. yackyackyack.. and so on and so forth.

But what caught my eye was one of the article's headline, "Generasi Y Penentu PRU13", where PRU being Pilihan Raya Umum, or General Election. To be honest I'm not very fond of either side of the Dewan Rakyat, both are, in my eyes, are full of hot air and hypocrites of the highest order. A friend once told me that all of us are hypocrites in one way or the other, and I agree with her, but being way too obvious a hypocrite, especially since you are the leaders, is really annoying for us down here. So I was amused to see the article. I scanned through it and couldn't agree more. This was what I was talking about just yesterday. We, the youths, have an important role in this country's future, some of us already ARE playing a big role. We have our own opinions and ideas for our future. We can't just be pushed around or forced to be quiet like small schoolchildren. And we are certainly not happy with what see around us today. By denying us the freedom and the rights that we are entitled to in this blessed country, one side is pushing away a powerful force that can make or break any type of governing body.

What the hell are both sides doing? One side is pissing off and choking the people, the other side are a bunch of "lalang" and endangering the people. Both of you are losing sight of the REAL issue, the REAL reason we gained what we gained more than 50 years ago, the REAL reason you are in office, be it as an Opposition or Government. I think it's time someone knock both your collective heads together and put you back on track. Either that, or step down and make way for  younger minds, for a fresher perspective.

On a lighter note, since I finished the Smallville series, it's time to finish off my other series. Maybe i'll start with Chuck, I miss the Intersect and his team of super-spies. Or maybe the blasphemous Supernatural. Kids shouldn't be watching it without adult supervision and ample religious knowledge. Angels fighting over control and killing each other? God goes missing? Sheesh, dangerous much. Also have lots of other series. Hmm.. I'll pick one tonight then. :)

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