Friday 17 June 2011

A Graduate At Last?

At 12.25am, an email from the UiTM system came into my inbox, bearing the results for my final semester. As I am typing this, I have yet to open the email and it's explosive, life-altering contents. I admit, when I open that email, a 4year battle for my degree will finally come to an end. Although i have been waiting for this moment for the past 4 years, now that it is upon me, I am scared. My hands are literally shaking like a leaf as I dance my fingers on the keyboard. Damn, result SPM pun x rasa macam ni dulu. Sheesh.What happens after I read the email? What do I do next? Sigh.. Choices choices, decisions decisions.. Seems like my plans to watch a TV series on the PC tonight are cancelled. I'll click that email soon. Soon.. I promise.

To my comrades in arms, it's been a helluva ride these past 4 years. i wish you good luck in all your future endeavors. Do keep in touch. To my dear, I hope you get the best, you certainly deserved it.

I will update sometime soon, after the blasted email has been opened. By me. Soon...

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